CS Metal puts at the disposal of our customers its commercial department, composed of a team of engineers, designers and budgeters with an extensive experience and who seek together with the customer to elaborate design studies in detail, aiming to present the best constructive, optimized and competitive solution, taking into account the technical and commercial feasibility.

We have Planning and Management team that acts in an integrated manner with the other disciplines of the project, performing the interfaces and dedicated to understanding and defining the sequence of the priorities of the work to meet the needs of the end customer, as well as, monitor the planned drawn so that its execution is completed within the scheduled time and costs.

CS Metal has in its technical body experienced professionals, who work closely with each customer to develop customized solutions for the needs of each project. Equipped with state-of-the-art software, CS Metal Engineering is able to perform the development of the arrangements, structural calculation, 3D modeling, equipment compatibility through the “BIM” Integration System, manufacturing detail and assembly diagrams.

Through its processes and procedures, combined with the constant qualification of its employees and investments in very modern infrastructure and machinery, the industry of CS Metal provides a high standard of quality, agility and safety.

With the aim of guaranteeing the final quality of the product, CS Metal has technical and planning teams, as well as its own fleet of handling and handling equipment, able to perform the assembly of metal structures and mechanical equipment with safety and agility.